Monday, November 9, 2009

Bright day!

Yesterday to get my mind off of being stressed about Andy's situation, I went for a walk. It was such a beautiful day. :) I think we have come into indian summer. The sky was bright blue, and the leaves were mostly off the trees, with a few vibrant exceptions like the picture above. And on top of everything, it was 75 degrees outside. How wonderful!

Cathy and I decided to meet her boyfriend, David at the park. On the way we stopped every few blocks to take pictures of this glorious city and our fantastic neighborhood. We even met some new neighbors who wanted to invite us in for drinks and friendly chatting. Unfortunately we had to say no because David was waiting for us. Once we were at the park we found a drum circle pounding away, so we stayed for a few hours enjoying the variety of beats. It was a wonderful, bright day spent with good friends. :)

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