Wednesday, July 22, 2015
The Waiting Game...
I had no idea that the end of pregnancy would be so agonizing! At the beginning of my pregnancy I told myself that I would try to enjoy every minute of the journey. That at the end, rather than hoping the baby would come quickly, instead I would live each day fully enjoying the last of my independence before becoming a parent. Well...somehow that idea didn't stick. I am over pregnancy, I just want baby girl to get here. I want my body back. I want to be able to eat and drink what I want. I want to be able to sleep comfortably. Darn it!
Each day that goes by the time ticks SO. SLOWLY. My sister-inlaw gave me some great advice saying that I should treat myself to a little something special each day and plan fun activities to look forward to. I have started to do this, but still, I am impatient. I guess this is just another lesson in life showing me that I need to surrender to what will happen. My baby will come when she is ready and I need to trust that my body knows what it is doing. Somehow this is easier said than done.
On top of all this waiting, my due date was also pushed back. Bah humbug! Seriously, really? The baby's measurements in my ultrasound showed a later due date, so my new due date is now August 2nd. My July baby just became an August baby according to technology. We shall see technology, we shall see!
So...I continue the wait. I continue to get contractions that randomly start and stop. I continue to wake up in the middle of the night to pee only a teaspoon because that seems to be the size of my bladder these days. I continue to speed-waddle around the neighborhood hoping to walk this baby out. I continue to drink so much red raspberry leaf tea that my bowels loosen, all in the hopes of ripening my cervix. I continue to hope and dream about having this baby. Patience, let me learn patience...
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