This Strong-Arms-Saturday is brought to you by Fort Funstion. Fort Funstion is a sandy bluff high above the ocean where people take long strolls and dogs are allowed to run freely. Is is one of a few places in the San Francisco area that dogs can be off-leash. We discovered it last Saturday, and will probably make a habit of going there. The views of the ocean and beautiful, the breeze is calm, and there are all sorts of little trails you can follow. ...Along with the fact that it is a doggy wonderland! Our pup, Mr. Buckles, had the time of his life romping around with other dogs. (Which is why he isn't in any of our pictures. What a little socialite he is!)
What exciting things do you have planned
Saturday? Feel like snapping a picture of your own Strong-Arms-Saturday, send me a picture and I'll post it: E-mail Me!
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